National Golf Club

This was my first big commission, with David Feherty as my co-designer… can you imagine? Golf construction was virtually unknown in Turkey at that time so trying to make the operators understand golf shaping in my ‘pidgin’ Turkish was a … More

Kilimanjaro Golf & Wildlife Estate

I feel proud of this outcome. What was a forested but otherwise quite ordinary site has been transformed into a lovely course, with the introduction of lakes and streams all fed by the nearby Usa river, which flows through the … More

Hirsala Golf Club

Maybe the toughest site I’ve ever worked on, but one of the most rewarding outcomes. I went for a totally natural heathland sort of look, blowing up all the big rocky outcrops and digging out the swamps when they were … More

Antalya Golf Club

This was a difficult site but full of promise. I had the superb EGD partnering me on this one and we decided to dig out most of the swamps, create big lakes and run the tough ‘Sultan’ course through them. … More

Vipingo Ridge

What a canvas! The only big feature was a HUGE fresh water lake, so I decided to pump it 2 kilometres along, and 140 metres up to the highest part of the site, locate the clubhouse there in a big … More